Information Notes

An inventory and risk assessment of hazardous waste disposal sites in NWT communities

Hazardous wastes, such as used oil, and mercury items used by residents and the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors have accumulated in NWT community waste disposal sites. A study was undertaken to evaluate eight NWT communities for improperly stored or disposed hazardous waste and create an inventory and risk assessment of these waste sites.

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Risk and management of mountain pine beetle in NWT forests

Mountain pine beetle has recently been detected in survey sites along the NWT/Alberta border, have successfully overwintered in the NWT and have adapted to infest Jackpine, as well as Lodgepole pine. This makes the risk of infestation a reality within the southern forests of the NWT and as such, a study was undertaken to determine the risk that mountain pine beetle has on NWT forests and to investigate management options.


Mapping permafrost displacement in NWT communities

The GNWT has utilized satelite imaging to map the permafrost distribution within four permafrost rich communities; Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort Simpson and Norman Wells. By providing these communities with maps of their permafrost impacted terrain, the GNWT can assist our communities in making more informed decisions in regards to community planning.

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